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1 head

bosh aylanishi giddiness, dizziness; vertigo

bosh kiyim headgear, headdress

bosh og'rig'i headache

bosh bo'l-/ boshida tur- to head, lead, direct

bosh irg'at-/ bosh qimirlat- to shake one's head 'no', to nod

bosh ko'tar- to lift up one's head

bosh ko'tarib yur- to hold one's head high

boshi og'ri- to have a headache

bosh og'rit-/ bosh qotir- to be a headache, to bother, pester, confound

bosh qashi- to scratch one's head

bosh qo'y- to lay down, to put down one's head

bosh suq-/ bosh tiq- 1) to stick one's head in; 2) to enter; 3) to settle in(to); 4) to butt in, to interfere

boshga tush- to befall, to happen to; to fall to someone's share

boshi aylan- to be dizzy

boshi bilan with heart and soul

boshi oqqan tomonga ket- to go wherever the roads leads you, wherever fancy takes you

boshi qot- to be at a loss as to what to do

boshini aylantir- to confuse, befuddle

boshini olib ket- to pack up and leave for good

boshini sila- to pat on the head

boshini yo'qot- to lose one's head

baliq boshidan sasiydi prov. the fish rots from the head

daryoning boshi headwaters of a river

ikki bosh qo'y two head of sheep

2 top, summit

tog'ning boshi mountain peak

3 beginning

bir boshdan from the beginning; in order

hikoyaning boshi beginning of a story

qayta boshdan once again, over again

xat boshi/ satr boshi paragraph

4 source, headwaters

suv boshi head of an irrigation ditch

5 end, limit

ko'chaning boshi the head of the street

boshi berk ko'cha deadend street

6 bulb (onion, etc.), bunch (grapes)

bir bosh karam head of a cabbage

7 main, chief

bosh gap main clause

bosh harf capital letter

bosh maqola feature article, main article

bosh masala main issue

bosh to'g'on main dam

8 head, first

bosh kotib chief/head secretary

bosh xotin first, oldest wife (polygamy)

bosh vazir prime minister

ellik boshi commander of 50 men; title of prerevolutionary minor official

jo'ra boshi host/emcee of an informal gathering; ringleader

ish boshi foreman, boss

ming boshi commander of 1000 men; head of a local district or town

yuz boshi commander of 100 cavalry; village or neighborhood elder

9 per

gektar boshiga per hectare

kishi boshiga per head, per person

avval boshi first of all...

bir yoqadan bosh chiqarib he has lost his mind, he has gone crazy

biror ishning boshini ushla-/ biror ishning boshini tut- to master

bosh barmoq thumb

bosh eg- to bow down, give in, submit

bosh istisqosi hydrocephalus

bosh kosasi skull, cranium

bosh kelishigi nominative case

bosh olib ket- to pack up and leave for good

bosh qo'sh- to butt in, to meddle

bosh tort- to bud, bloom; to pull out, back out

bosh ur- to look for shelter, protection; to bow and scrape

boshdan kechirgan/ boshidan o'tgan s.t. experienced, gone through

boshiga qo'y- to revere, emulate

boshga tushgan/ boshga kelgan s.t. which has befallen s.o.

boshi bog'liq engaged (to be married)

boshi ochiq bare-headed, unveiled; not yet married or engaged (woman)

boshi ko'kka yet-/ boshi osmonga yet- to be overjoyed

boshi qorong'i at the stage of pregnancy to have cravings for certain foods

boshi qot- to be confounded

boshi chiqmaydi to not be free of, not escape from

boshi yo'q he has lost his mind, he has gone crazy

boshida yong'oq chaq-/ boshida tosh chaq- to harangue, torment

boshiga kel- to occur to

boshiga ko'tar- to revere, hold in high esteem; to raise a din, make a ruckus

boshiga yet- to finish off, to be s.o.'s downfall

boshiga chiq-/ boshiga min-/ boshiga o'tir- to domineer, take the reins from

boshini biriktir-/ boshini ikki qil-/ boshini qo'sh-/ boshini bog'la- to marry

boshini buk- to subdue, bring to one's knees

boshni qotir- to confound, bother, plague

boshini sila- to console, comort; to indulge; to take under one's wing

boshini tik- to swear o.s. to s.t.

boshini ye- to be one's downfall, be the death of s.o

oyog'iga bosh qo'y- to prostrate o.s. at s.o.'s feet

o'z boshiga independently, each for himself

xotin boshi bilan as a woman

yolg'iz boshi bilan all alone, by o.s.

Bosh ustiga! As you wish! By all means! Certainly!

Boshiga uradimi? What's he going to do with that? Why should he bother himself with that?

Boshing toshdan bo'lsin! Don't get sick! Don't get killed! (said to a soldier leaving for war)

Mening senga boshim qorong'i edimi? Were you what I asked for?