Indiana University Bloomington



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Shortening Of Words

Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
Mana shu yerda turing. Mashitta turin.Stay here.
U yoqqa bormang. Uyaqqa bormen.Don't go there.
Nima qilasiz oʻsha yoqqa borib? Maqas oʻshyaqqa borip?What you are going to do there?
Menga yangi koʻylak olib bering. Manga yengi koʻyney oberin.(Could you please) buy me a new dress?
Bozordan non olib keling. Bozordan non opkelin.Go get some bread from the market.
Akam kitobimni olib qoʻydi. Akam kitopimmi opqoʻydi.My brother took away my book.
Ovqat tayyorlab bering. Oʻvqat tayallaberin.(Could you) get the food ready?
Oshni yeb boʻldim. Oshshi yebo’ldim.I already ate the pilaf.
Derazadan patnisni uzatib yuboring. Derazadan pannisni uzatvorin.Hand me the tray through the window.
Undan keyin-chi? Inne:kin-chi?How about after that?