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Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
Biz bir hafta avval uchrashgandik. Biza bir hapta oldin uchrashuvduz.We had met a week earlier.
Kelganimizga ikki oydan oshdi. Keganuvzaga ikki oydan oshdi.It’s been over two months since we arrived.
Uch yildan beri Toshkentda yashayman. Uch yildan biri Toshkenda turaman.I’ve been living in Tashkent for three years.
Soat to’rtlarda kelsangiz bo’ladi. Sog’ot to’rlada kesez bo’ladi.You can come around four o’clock.
Kecha besh qop un sotib oldik. Kecha besh qop un sotvolduv.We bought five sacks of flour yesterday.
Bu savol meni olti yildan beri qiynaydi. Bu sovol mani olti yildan biri qiyniydi.This question has been bothering me for the past six years.
Yetti o’lchab bir kes. Yetti o’lchap bir kes.Measure seven times before you cut. (this proverb is “Measure twice, cut once” in English)
Oradan sakkiz kun o’tib ketibdi. Oradan sakkiz kun o’tib ketipti.Eight days went by.
Biz to’qqiz qavatli uyda yashaymiz. Biza to’qqis qavatli /etajli uyda turamiza.We live in a nine-storey building.
Uyimiz ularnikidan o’n barobar yaxshi. Uyuvza ulanikidan o’n baravar yaxshi.Our house is ten times better than theirs.
O’zi bir qarich, quyrug’i o’n bir qarich. O’zi bir qarich, quyrug’i o’m bir qarich.It’s one span long, but it’s tail is eleven spans.
Yil o’n ikki oy ishlayman. Yil o’n ikki oy ishliyman.I work twelve months a year.
Men o’n uch yoshdan boshlab ishga kirganman. Man o’n uch yoshtan boshlap ishka kirganman.I started working at thirteen.
O’n to’rt tuyaga ikkita qo’y zakot beriladi. O’n to’rtta tuyaga ikkita qo’y zakot beriladi.For fourteen camels, one must pay a tax of two sheep.
U o’n besh daqiqagacha o’ziga kelolmadi. U o’n besh minutgacha o’ziga kelo:madi.I wasn’t able to pull himself together for fifteen minutes.
Uning o’n olti yillik tajribasi bor. Uni o’nolti yilliy tajribasi bor.He/she has sixteen years of experience.
Oyim o’n yetti yoshda turmushga chiqqanlar. Oyim o’n yetti yoshta turmushka chiqqanla.My mother got married when she was seventeen.
O’n sakkiz yoshga to’lmaganlarni ishga olmaymiz. O’n sakkis yoshka to’lmaganlani ishka omiymiza.We can’t hire anyone younger than eighteen.
O’glim o’n to’qqiz yoshga kirdi. O’glim o’n to’qqis yoshka kirdi.My son turned nineteen.
Yigirma so’mingiz bormi? Yigirma simiz bo:mi?Do you have twenty som?
Yigirma bir kundan keyin bu yerdan ko’chib ketamiz. Yigirma bir kundan keyin bo’ttan ko’chip ketamiza.We’re moving away in twenty-one days.
Yigirma ikki marta to’pni o’tqazib yuborishdi! Yigirma ikki marta kopto’vni o’tqizvorishdi!They got the ball through twenty-two times!
Qur’on yigirma uch yil davomida nozil bo’lgan. Qur’on yigirma uch yil dovomida nozil bo’gan.The Quran was revealed over a span of twenty-three years.
Bu maqolani 24 soat ichida yozib bo’ldim. Bu maqolani 24 sog’ot ichida yozibo’ldim.I wrote this article in twenty-four hours.
Bu yil o’tgan yildagidan 25 foiz ko’p soliq to’ladim. Bu yil o’tkan yildigidan 25 poiz ko’p solu: to’ladim.I paid twenty-five percent more taxes this year than last year.
Qur’onda bir yuz o’n to’rt sura, olti ming ikki yuz yigirma olti oyat bor. Qur’onda bir yuz o’n to’rtta sura, olti ming ikki yuz yigirma oltita oyat bor.In the Quran there are one hundred and fourteen chapters and six thousand two hundred and twenty-six verses.
O’zbekistonning 27 million aholisi bor. O’zbekistonni 27 milyon aholisi bor.Uzbekistan has a population of twenty-seven million.
Bu yil fevral 28 kunlik ekan. Bu yil fevral 28 kunliy akan.February has twenty-eight days this year.
Mahallamizda 29 ta oila bor. Mahallamizada 29 ta oila bor.There are twenty-nine families in our neighborhood.
Qariyb o’ttiz yildan beri shu yerda yashayman. Diyarli o’ttiz yildam biri sho’ttaa turaman.I’ve lived here nearly thirty years.
Qirq yil urush bo’lsa ham ajali yetgan o’ladi. Qirq yil urush bo’sayam ajali yetkan o’ladi.Even if there are forty years of war, a person dies when his time has come.
Ellik varaqlik kitobni bir pasda o’qib chiqdim. Elliy varro:liy kitoppi bir pasta o’qip chiqtim.I read the fifty-page book in a jiffy.
Bobom oltmish yil umr ko’rdilar. Dodam otmush yil umr ko’rdila.My grandfather lived to be sixty.
To’yga yetmishta ayol keldi. To’yga yetmushta xotin keldi.Seventy women came to the wedding.
Qo’shnimiz sakson yoshga kirdilar. Qo’shnuvuz sakson yoshka kirdila.Our neighbor turned eighty.
To'qson og'iz so'zning to'qsonta tuguni bor. To'xson og'iz so'zzi to'xsonta tuguni bor.Nine words will have ninety twists of meaning.
Bu gapingizga yuz foiz qo’shilaman. Bu gapizga yuz poiz qo’shilaman.I agree with you one hundred percent
Ikki yuz gramm sariyog’ olib keldim. Ikki yuz gram saryog’ opkeldim.I brough one hundred grams of butter.
Xudoga ming shukur qilsangiz arziydi. Xudoga ming shukur qisez arziydi.You should thank the Lord a thousand times.
Ikki ming kishilik zalda katta konsert bo’ldi. Ikki ming kishiliy zolda kotta kansert bo’ldi.There was a concert in the two thousand-person hall.
Navro’z bayrami nishonlana boshlaganiga uch ming yildan oshgan. Navro’z bayrami nishonlana boshlaganiga uch ming yildan oshkan.The Navruz holiday has been celebrated for two thousand years.
Ikki milliard so’m ortiqcha pul chiqdi. Ikki milyard sim ortixcha pul chiqti.There were two billion soms extra.