Indiana University Bloomington



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Being A Guest

Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
Xush kelibsiz! Xush kepsiz!Welcome!
Oling! Olin!Have some food! Help yourself!
Olinglar! Oliyla!Have some food (plural)! Help yourself!
Olib o'tiringlar! Obo'tiriyla!Have some food (plural)! Help yourself!
Kelganingiz juda yaxshi bo'ldi-da Keganiyz ja yaxshi bo'ldi-deIt's really great that you came.
Yana choy ichasizmi? Yana choy ichasmi?Would you like some more tea?
Ovqat juda ham mazali bo'libdi Ovqat judayam mazali bo'ptiThe food is really good.
Qo'lingiz dard ko'rmasin Qo'liz dard ko'rmasinMy compliments to the chef.