Literary language | Tashkent dialect | English |
Tezroq tuzalib keting. |
Tezro: tuzalip ketin. | Get well soon. |
Shamollab qoldim. |
Shomollap qoldim. | I have a cold. |
Boshim og'riyapti. |
Boshim og'rivotti. | I have a headache. |
Kechadan beri ovqat yeyolmayapman. |
Kechadan biri ovqat yeyo:miyamman. | I haven't been able to eat since yesterday. |
Kechasi yaxshi uxlay olmadim. |
Kechasi yaxshi uxlo:madim. | I didn't sleep well last night. |
Isitmam chiqmadi. |
Isitmam chiqmadi. | I did not have a fever. |
Penitsillinga allergiyam bor. |
Pensillinga allergiyam bor. | I have an allergy to penicillin. |
Qornim qattiq og'riyapti. |
Qonnim qattuv o:rivotti. | I have an acute stomach ache. |
Oyog'im chiqib ketdi shekilli |
Oyog'im chiqib ketdi shekilli | It seems that my leg is out of joint. |
Nima bo'ldi? |
Nima bo'ldi? | What happened? |
Qachondan beri boshingiz og'riyapti? |
Qachondan biri boshiz og:rivotti? | How long have you had a headache? |
Isitmangiz chiqdimi? |
Isitmez chiqtimi? | Did you have a fever? |
Qayeringiz og'riyapti? |
Qatiz o:rivotti? | What hurts? Where do you feel pain? |
Tomog'ingiz og'riyaptimi? |
Tomog'iz og:rivottimi? | Do you have a sore throat? |
Qo'lingiz uvushmayaptimi? |
Qo'liz uvushmiyaptimi? | Are your hands numb? |
Qaysi doriga allergiyangiz bor? |
Qaysi doriga allergiyez bor? | What medicines are you allergic to? |
Qanday dorilar ichyapsiz? |
Qanaqa dorila ichvos? | What kind of medications are you taking? |
Bu dorini bir kunda ikki mahal ichish kerak. |
Bu dorini bir kunda ikki mahal ichish kerey. | You need to take this medicine twice a day. |
Qon bosimingiz baland |
Qon bosimiz balan | Your blood pressure is high. |
Tuzukmisiz? |
Tuzuvmisiz? | How are you?/Are you well? |
Ko'rmagandek bo'lib keting. |
Ko'rmagandey bo'p ketin. | I hope you'll be over and done with it. |
Dardingiz orqangizda qolsin. |
Dardiz orqezda qosin. | May your sickness be forgotten. |
Ko'rinishingiz binoyidek. |
Korinishiyiz binoyidey. | You look great. |
Xudo suygan bandasiga dard berar ekan |
Xudo yaxshi ko'rgan bandasiga dart berarkan | God makes those he likes sick. |
Dard bergan Xudoyim davosini ham beradi. |
Dard bergan Xudoyim dovosiniyam beradi. | The Lord heals the sickness he has given. |
Xudoning o'zi asrasin |
Xudoni o'zi asrasin | May God forbid. |