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At The Bazaar

Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
Arzonroq bo'ladimi? Arzonro: bo'ladimi?Can you make it cheaper?
Kilosi necha puldan? Kilosi nechchi puldan?How much is one kilo?
Arzonrog'i bormi? Arzonrog'i bo:mi?Is there anything cheaper? Do you have any cheaper (ones)?
Kichikrog'idan bor, korsataymi? Kichkinarog'idan bor, korsatiymi?We have a smaller one, should I show you?
Boshqa qolmadi. Boshqa qomadi.There are none left.
Qancha olasiz? Qancha olas?How much do you want?
Nechta olasiz? Neshta olas?How many do you want?
Yana nima olasiz? Yana nima olas?What else would you like?
Dollar almashtirmoqchiman. Dollar almashtirmoxchiman.I want to exchange dollars.
Dollarning kursi qancha? Dollarri kursi qancha?What's the exchange rate for dollars?
Qayerda pul almashtirsam bo'ladi? Qatta pul almashtirsam bo'ladi?Where can I change money?