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Asking For Help With Transportation

Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
Menga taksi chaqirib bering, iltimos. Manga taksi chaqirberin, iltimos.Please could you get me a taxi?
Meni metrogacha olib borib qo'ya olasizmi? Mani metrogacha oborib qo'yolismi?Can you take me to the metro?
Meni shu adresga olib borib qo'ya olasizmi? Mani shu adresga oborib qo'yolismi?Can you take me to this address?
Qancha to'lashim kerak? Qancha to'lashim kerey?How much should I pay?
Qancha bo'ladi? Qancha bo'ladi?How much will it cost?
Shu yerda chapga burilasiz. Sho'tta chapka burilas.Turn left here.
O'sha yerdan o'ngga burilasiz. O'shattan o'ngga burilas.Turn right there.
To'g'riga yuravering. To':riga yuruvrin.Please go straight ahead.
To'xtatib yuboring! To'xtatvorin!Stop, please!
Iltimos, to'xtatmang! Iltimos, to'xtatmen!Please, don't stop!
Shoshilib turibman. Shoshilib turimman.I'm in a hurry.
Shu yerda to'xtatsangiz bo'ladi Sho'tta to'xtatsez bo'ladi.You can stop here.
Iltimos, sekinroq haydang Iltimos, sekinro: hayden.Please drive more slowly!
Shu yerda to'xtatib yubora olasizmi Sho'tta to'xtatvorolismi?Could you please stop the car here?
Shu yerda kurib tura olasizmi? Sho'tta kutip turolismi?Could you please wait here?