Indiana University Bloomington



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Metaphors About People

MetaphorLiteral translationMeaningEnglish
bog`cha opakindergarten sistertarbiyachikindergartner
charm qo`lqop ustasimaster of leather glovesmashur bokschiwell-known boxer
charm to`p muxlisifan of leather ballfutbol ishqibozisoccer fan
charm to`p ustasimaster of leather ballmashhur futbolchifamous soccer player
cho`lquvardesert + pursuercho`lni o`zlashtiruvchiworker in reclamation of desert lands
davlat bolalarichildren of stateyetimlarorphans
davlat ustunlaripillars of staterahbarlarleaders, chiefs, senior officers
jamiyatning yarasiwound of societyo`g`ri va fohishalarthieves and prostitutes
kelajak avlodnext generationyoshlaryouth, young people, the youngsters
ma’rifat dushmanienemy of educationilmsiz kishiuneducated, illiterate, ignorant
mo`yqalam sohibimaster of paintbrushrassomartist, painter
ojizablind , weak (female)ayolwomen, female
oq chashma sohibasimistress of the white springsut sog`uvchimilkmaid, dairymaid
oq oltin ijodkoricreator of white goldpaxtakorcotton-grower, cotton-planter
osoyishtalik posbonlariguardians of tranquility (peace)ichki ishlar xodimlarilaw enforcement officers
qoyaosharcliff + climberalpinistalpinist, mountaineer
salomatlik posboniguardian of healthtibbiyot xodimimedical worker, health care professional
samo bekasimistress of the skystuardessastewardess, flight attendant, flight hostess
samo lochinifalcon of the skyuchuvchiaviator, flier, airman, pilot, flight operator
sehrli barmoqlar sohibipossessor of magical fingersekstrasenspsychic
sho`rpeshonasalty + foreheadbaxtsiz odamunlucky, unfortunate, poor, miserable
vatan posboniprotector of homelandaskarsoldier
yaylov bahodirihero of pasturelandcho`ponshepherd
yurtboshihomeland + headprezidentpresident
zangori kema kapitanicaptain of the green shipmexanizatormachine operator, vehicle operator
ziyokorintellectualenergetikpower engineer