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Lengthening Of Vowels

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  • due to the dropping of /k/:
Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
Kecha Samarqanddan keldik. Kecha Samarqannan keldu:(v).We arrived from Samarkand yesterday.
Etikni necha pulga oldingiz? Etu:(v)ni nech pulga oldiz?How much did you get the boots for?
  • due to the dropping of /h/:
Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
Ukam goh yig’laydi, goh kuladi. Ukam go: yig’liydi, go: kuladi.My brother sometimes cries, sometimes laughs.
Olishda bismillo(h), berishda astag'firullo(h). Olishda bismillo:, berishda asto:pirimlo:Said of people who borrow money easily but dislike returning it (proverb)
  • due to the dropping of /r/:
Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
Akangizdan darak bormi? Akezdan darey bo:mi?Is there any sign of your brother?
Bir g’altak ipingiz bormi? Bir g’altey ipiz bo:mi?Do you have a spool of thread?
  • due to the dropping of /q/:
Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
Bayroq ko’tarib yurgan bolani ko’ryapsizmi? Bayro: ko’tarib yurgan bolani ko’rvosmi?Do you see the boy carrying the flag?
Bo’g’irsoq qilishni bilasizmi? Bo’g’irso: qilishshi bilasmi?Do you know how to make bo’g’irsoq?
Bekinmachoq o’ynaylik. Bekinmacho: o’yniylu:v.Let’s play hide-and-seek.
  • due to the dropping of /g’/:
Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
Demak, siz to’g’ri aytgan ekansiz. Demey, siz to’:ri etkanakansiz.So, you were right.
  • due to the dropping of /y/:
Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
Ertaga bu ko’ylagingni kiyma. Ertaga bu ko’ynegiyni ki:ma.Don’t wear this shirt/dress tomorrow.
  • due to the dropping of ayn:
Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
Dast ba koru, dil ba yor, ya'ni qo'ling ishda bo'lsin, diling Allohda. Dast ba koru, dil ba yor, ya:ni qo'lin ishta bo'sin, dilin Ollo:da.Dast ba koru, dil ba yor, in other words, your hands should be at work, but your heart with God.
  • due to the dropping of /g/:
Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
Bolaga tegma. Bolaga te:ma.Don’t disturb the child.
  • due to the syllabic change and redistribution of sounds:
Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
O’n uch kundan keyin uchrashamiz. O’:nuch kundan keyin uchrashamiza.We will meet in 13 days.
  • due to contraction of two words:
Literary languageTashkent dialectEnglish
U yaxshi yoza olmaydi>yozolmaydi. U yaxshi yozo:miydi.He/She can't write well.